Updated License File

"Pcm9 License File "

"Pcm10 License File"

Version 10 of Pcmodel

"Pcm10 for Windows Compiled on Windows 10"

"Pcm10 for Windows Compiled on Windows 8.1"

"Pcm93 for Windows.Older Version. May run on Windows 7"

"Pcm10 for OsX"

"Pcm10 for Linux Compiled on OpenSuse 15.2"

"Pcm10 for Linux Compiled on Ubuntu 20.04"

Quick Installation Note: Start Pcm10 and select Build. If you see ethane everything is fine. If not then select Set Atom Colors from the Options Menu, then Set Default Colors. You should now see ethane. If not contact Serena Software. This should only be necessary on initial installation.

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Last updated: 9/8/21
gilbert@serenasoft.com "Kevin E. Gilbert"
© copyright 1996-2020  Serena Software